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Sodium Propionate

Sodium propanoate or sodium propionate is the sodium salt of propionic acid which has the chemical formula Na(C3H5NaO2).


Chemical Name: Sodium propionate

CAS No.: 137-40-6

Molecular Formula: C3H5NaO2

Molecular weight: 96.06

Appearance: colorless powder



Sodium propanoate or sodium propionate is the sodium salt of propionic acid which has the chemical formula Na(C3H5NaO2). Sodium propionate is a common food additive that is industrially manufactured but also occurs in nature. Since it is toxic to mold and some species of bacteria, it is an especially effective additive in baked goods or other products that are susceptible to spoilage.


It is used as a food preservative and is represented by the food labeling E number E281 in Europe; it is used primarily as a mold inhibitor in bakery products. It is approved for use as a food additive in the EU, USA and Australia and New Zealand.

For more information about dosage and application details, please refer to the related laws and regulationslocally.